Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Coming soon a Robot to replace your job!

I've seen on youtube a year ago a human like female robot that almost looked real and had facile expressions it made me wonder, robots are the way of the future and there is nothing really do to stop it. However I feel a little uneasy because if anyone seen the movie the Terminator, Matrix, I Robot, or any other movie that the computers become smarter than the humans and turn on them. I know its not real however in class we discussed about the super computer that beat contestants on Jeopardy and that soon its going to be smarter than the whole world and try to think and make decisions for human kind if it is not what we wished. However I think something like that would not happen in my lifetime so I don't need to worry.

Well I have found and article that Japanese are trying to make robots to take care of the Elderly, and be helpful in hospitals. The article was saying that robots are needed that there will be a surplus of elderly in the future because people are having less children and when in the past the elderly children would take care of them now a days families are more distant.   http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-12347219

In addition as in other countries I (don't mean disrespect) immigrants or minorities would be hired to do the work to care for Elderly, children, or simply do the job that no one wants to do. Other countries complain about minorities taking the jobs that people don't want do well Japan did something about it. I always loved Japan of its cute Hello Kitty stuff, awesome fashion, anime and culture. But however I read an article about how there are a lot of immigrants that come South America that live in Japan and do the low paying job however "Japanese born" with no mixture of anything want all the immigrants and there descendants to leave back to South America that they wanted to pay them to leave even though they were born there. How horrible just to give "Japanese"  more job opportunities look what is happening if there were more minorities Japan wouldn't have to worry about their elderly. This isn't the article I read years ago it shows how strike Japan is with immigrants.  http://www.migrationinformation.org/Feature/display.cfm?id=487

Although the article continues to go on saying society is not ready for robots just yet that it seems or realistic to have robotic toilets, pets, and cars (lol it would be pretty sweet to have a transformer as a car) and so on. What kind of robotic thing would you want to see advancements on? I just hope we as a society become to depended on robots because we start to lose who we forgetting how to write, not knowing what books are, and loose complete human contact since we rather text/be on the computer than go out and doing interactive things with other people....

Are we going to become a slave to technology? Like in The Matrix...

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