Monday, July 11, 2011

Dropbox you Saved my Life

In class wed. we discussed about storage saving space on the Internet. The only one to my knowledge was skydrive where it was apart of UIW and I didn't really think to much of it till now. I guess I should of started using it when I was aware of it because I have a lot of documents on my computer that are taking to much space and its so simple I can send the file straight from Microsoft word to skydrive without even opening up skydive (it has a save as to skydrive feature).

In addition we talked about dropbox which I'm still trying to get the hang of lol. I download it to my computer and I have the option to make my files private or public if I want to share them. This is awesome because I sometimes don't like always like to work on my main computer at home sometimes I float around the house with my laptop or school and always forget my flashdrive. Most of the time this happens I have to print something I always have to email it to myself so I can print but with the dropbox I can pull it up quick.

Furthermore I was talking to my mom yesterday and she was working on Microsoft word writing letters for her work (she works for the government as a civil servant) and asked me to email her doc to her work email. boo I hate always doing that because sometimes from my email her gov email blocks it and I usually get wake up calls at 6 in the morning to try to resend them. Anyway from that side note... I asked her if they use flashdrives at her work and she told me no because they can carry verses. Well then were do you save then?.. she told me just to their hard drives. I continued telling my mom what if something was to happen and all the information was lost. She didn't really have an answer. I suggested maybe they should use dropbox because if anything were to happen all the information will be safe in the could. I wish I knew about it sooner my computer gave out a year ago and a lot of pictures and word documents that were important to me got wiped out. Now with dropbox I don't ever have to worry anymore. Hurray 

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