Thursday, July 14, 2011

Whats that coming over the hill? is it a monster? No just Big Brother.

I have finished watching Big Brother Big Business video for my information system class and I have to say its very interesting and scary at the same time. I never really thought of being monitored what traffic that is on my computer. However what can I do about it limit my Internet, cell phone use, and not buy on the Internet. :/ I should live relocate in the woods and live off the fat of the land. OMG I would die without my Ipod. lol

I have heard of the black box years ago I don't remember what I was watching maybe 20/20 but I believe these parents were letting their daughter drive the car and though the black box monitored her all the places she was going they didn't tell her however were justifying in the program that its a way to make sure she is safe and if anything would happen to her they could locate her. I don't think its not a bad idea to do that however its human nature to abuse things so we would have to make sure that doesn't happen. 

The other thing that I realized watching Big brother is the woman who had to problem of mistaken Identity and it cost her a job position. Its scary that a BIG slip up could happen like that I would be furious however its not uncommon like the representative of the company states. A few years back my grandpa was having trouble being harassed by debt collectors saying he owned money to Sears and other companies that he hasn't paid. Well it turned out that someone else had almost the exact same name as him "Eulalio" however their name was spelled "Eulalia" in my opinion that is a big difference just because it had and "A" and its a female name however it took a year and a lot of hassle just to clear it up so he doesn't shop at Sears anymore. I think that's what happen to him a careless mistake on the company's part keeping the record.

I could keep writing about the whole video however it would be like another big space so I'll conclude I agree the laws have not caught up with technology and we the people are victims of invasion of privacy unless you can keep hackers from taking my information or selling it to companies I'm going to start limiting my Internet usage and google and be careful of what I put on the Internet.

Rethink Work

I thought it was interesting that the way the interviewees see the future of work is way different than it was in the past that studying should be focused on engineering. I believe that is true that the world is changing and there is a demand for engineers and computer savey people. Maybe we should guide the generation into degrees that are in demand.

Billy Mays here with another fantastic product!" that's what I think of when I hear that companies are going on the outside to find innovative ideas from people. If you ever seen the show "Pitchmen" on T.V. it about  pitchmen Billy Mays looks for the next inventor and pitches his idea for people to buy it. Companies are the Pitchmen now and that's a good thing because someone can have a great idea but they don't know how to get it out and having companies reach out to people its easier for the inventor to get recognition for an idea that can help society. Innovation comes from the outside now.

I like the ideas of alternate transporations on railways because it would be less pain in the butt than going though check points in airports. Ive been on the train in Dallas and it was a very pleasent expirence it was sleek looking and the the interior was clean and it was a double decker and very roomy if I lived in Dallas and wanted to travel to Forth Worth I would use the train and thats what me and my dad used to do when we wanted to travel certain places. So for the idea of transportation he has a point you have to design a train to fit the persons need because we as Americans are individualist and like our own space so it cant be like an traditional train or box like. I hope the U.S. has a railway that would link to country it would be cheaper to travel and faster than any car.

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